Work more efficiently in the legal sector with ChatGPT / PDF

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Checkliste des HmbBfDI zum Einsatz LLM-basierter Chatbots










1. Topic Sentences
Take a paragraph and run it through ChatGPT with the prompt: “Please write a topic sentence for this paragraph.“
Ask ChatGPT to give you three variations of the topic sentence. Select the one you like. Rewrite it to suit your personal style.

2. Transition Sentences
Take two paragraphs you want to connect with a transition sentence. Run them through ChatGPT with the following prompt: “Please write a transition sentence to connect the two paragraphs.“

3. Introducion
Write a draft of your introduction and run it through ChatGPT with the following prompt. “Please rewrite the following paragraph as an introduction.“ Rewrite the paragraph to suit your personal style.

4. Conclusion
Write a draft of your introduction and run it through ChatGPT with the following prompt. “Please rewrite the following paragraph as an introduction.“ Rewrite the paragraph to suit your personal style.

5. Counterargument
Take you argument and run it through ChatGPT with the following prompt, “Please give me a counterargument for this claim.”

6. Writing Style, writing Tone, Background
Writing Style: a) short, tight, punchy
Writing Tone: a) optimistic, confident, authoritative, informative, friendly
Background: a) You have been a CEO for 20 years. You host your own podcast. You write weekly newsletter.

7. Constrain it
– use short sentences
– use vigorous language
– use a short first paragraph
– use positive languate, not negative
– minimize the use of adverbs in your writing
– use contractions to sound more approachable to the reader
– your vocabulary should be written at a Grade 5 level to increase readability
– use conjunctions to increase readability
– explain difficult concepts to our readers as if they are fifth graders

8. Use Specific Asks
Be as specific as possible.
– What are you writing (what is the goal, what is it you or the reader want to achieve)
– Who will it be delivered to (who is the audience)
– What do you want them to do (e.g. focus on the languagte and writing that will get the reader to complete the article)
– Should it use a copywriting technique

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